Preaching the Kingdom. Teaching Christ.

A Message from the Dean

A Message from the Dean

A Message from the Dean


“Behold, I make all things new.” (Rev. 21:5). 

Dear  Blessed Students, 

Greetings in the Lord and welcome to St. Athanasius and St. Cyril Coptic Orthodox Theological School (ACTS)!

Since 1989, our school has been teaching and preaching the gospel of our Lord, under the leadership and guidance of the thrice-blessed Pope Shenouda III, of blessed memory, His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, and His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion. Now, our school is one of the largest Coptic Orthodox theological schools, with more than 200 students worldwide through online education!

Our desire here is to prepare future leaders of the Coptic Orthodox Church with the best possible education in Orthodox theology--one that encompasses prayerful and patristic understanding of the Holy Scriptures, spiritually and historically deep understanding of our rich liturgical tradition, and dogmatic and patristic understanding of salvation that enriches every aspect of our daily lives and ministries. Our study of theology, as St. Gregory the Theologian warned centuries ago, is not one for “idle jests and petty contradictions” but one deeply rooted in prayer and worship of the Holy Trinity. Such a study in his words, "is permitted only to those who have been examined, and are passed masters in meditation, and who have been previously purified in soul and body, or at the very least are being purified." 

I encourage you to delve deeply into your academic studies and devotional life, to invest your time and energy towards the pursuit of knowing Him, loving Him, and abiding in Him. May your theological journey yield abundant fruit, a fragrant aroma, and unending glory to His Name!

His Grace Bishop Kyrillos

Dean, ACTS